event management
Thomas Edison once said, "Live presentation will always be the most effective form of communication because it is direct, person to person contact. No amount of technology will ever replace the warmth of a handshake, the sincerity of eye to eye contact and interactive discussion."
The history of Warrior Girl Music starts with live events. In 1997, before Gilli embarked to Los Angeles to pursue her music dreams, she produced live, corporate and special events across Sydney Australia and had a reputation as one of the best freelance female Event Producers in Sydney. Now and then, she pops out a few special events, just to remind everyone that she can!
"Warrior Girl Music's ability to produce and organize shows has been recognized within the industry and their motivational skills and tenacious focus on getting the job done makes a valuable asset to anyone wanting to pull a show together and make it work."
Whether it be a small party, a large awards night, a festival, a week’s convention or an internationally televised live event from an exotic location, Warrior Girl Music has been able to combine the art of theatre, the element of music, the best business communication and strong project management to deliver a great event to a corporate, public or an exclusive Hollywood audience.
"Warrior Girl Music's ability to produce and organize shows has been recognized within the industry and their motivational skills and tenacious focus on getting the job done makes a valuable asset to anyone wanting to pull a show together and make it work."
Whether it be a small party, a large awards night, a festival, a week’s convention or an internationally televised live event from an exotic location, Warrior Girl Music has been able to combine the art of theatre, the element of music, the best business communication and strong project management to deliver a great event to a corporate, public or an exclusive Hollywood audience.
the worx
Consider: corporate message communication entertainment, music, theatre, speakers, choreography script writing multimedia, art direction and graphic design stage setting and design live television video production touring logistics themed activities |
creative events
When you want to challenge the way people think, Creative Conference Activities create a unique environment which allows participants to break with past constraints and accept and challenge the future and change. Create an atmosphere where participants experience the theme of the conference, in a thought provoking, enjoyable and non-confronting way.
TEAM BUILDING From a couple of hours, to half a day, to a full day, team building activities enable people to understand group dynamics and what is required to work successfully as a team. Run by team building specialists, various activities are designed and implemented to address conflict, team development, personalities and behavioural tendencies, identifying personal strengths and development needs. Group work is essential here and individuals get the opportunity to play several roles in interactive activities that meet the objectives of the conference and of the whole organization.
THE ENJOYMENT FACTOR: Activities can range from customized thought provoking mind activities, to fun, physically challenging games, suited for indoors or outdoors. Examples of the ultimate thinking activities: HUMAN CHESS, RESCUE MISSION. Examples of the physical activities: SUMO WRESTLING, MECHANICAL BULL, SURF BOARD, HUMAN FLY and many more… Fun games nights: TRIVIA NIGHTS, GAME SHOWS. WGM represents a unique group of Action, Concept and Activity specialists committed to developing individuals within each unique workplace, professionalism and integrated programs.
When you want to challenge the way people think, Creative Conference Activities create a unique environment which allows participants to break with past constraints and accept and challenge the future and change. Create an atmosphere where participants experience the theme of the conference, in a thought provoking, enjoyable and non-confronting way.
TEAM BUILDING From a couple of hours, to half a day, to a full day, team building activities enable people to understand group dynamics and what is required to work successfully as a team. Run by team building specialists, various activities are designed and implemented to address conflict, team development, personalities and behavioural tendencies, identifying personal strengths and development needs. Group work is essential here and individuals get the opportunity to play several roles in interactive activities that meet the objectives of the conference and of the whole organization.
THE ENJOYMENT FACTOR: Activities can range from customized thought provoking mind activities, to fun, physically challenging games, suited for indoors or outdoors. Examples of the ultimate thinking activities: HUMAN CHESS, RESCUE MISSION. Examples of the physical activities: SUMO WRESTLING, MECHANICAL BULL, SURF BOARD, HUMAN FLY and many more… Fun games nights: TRIVIA NIGHTS, GAME SHOWS. WGM represents a unique group of Action, Concept and Activity specialists committed to developing individuals within each unique workplace, professionalism and integrated programs.
WGM can create a complete theme for your event, which includes dressing of the venue (sets, props), tailoring the entertainment to suit, catering decisions, guest motivational speakers and format of the event.
The use of our up-to-date technology supplies enhances the vibrancy of any event, including unique and creative lighting concepts, set design and backdrops, location decisions and talent.
Let us design a theme to suit your marketing plan, your message or to cater to your specific audience. We have expertise in ideas and working with you to embellish yours, then write a concept for the event or production that will be just right.
Ideas: Casino night, multicultural theme, Caribbean night, Latin American, 60s and other eras, Hollywood, international and many more. Themes around motivational and marketing words, emotions, film treatments, people's personalities, news. We can design a theme with you to suit your needs.
WGM can create a complete theme for your event, which includes dressing of the venue (sets, props), tailoring the entertainment to suit, catering decisions, guest motivational speakers and format of the event.
The use of our up-to-date technology supplies enhances the vibrancy of any event, including unique and creative lighting concepts, set design and backdrops, location decisions and talent.
Let us design a theme to suit your marketing plan, your message or to cater to your specific audience. We have expertise in ideas and working with you to embellish yours, then write a concept for the event or production that will be just right.
Ideas: Casino night, multicultural theme, Caribbean night, Latin American, 60s and other eras, Hollywood, international and many more. Themes around motivational and marketing words, emotions, film treatments, people's personalities, news. We can design a theme with you to suit your needs.